Duke Nukem 3D*

Version(s): 1.3d

Category: Computer game or entertainment: Action games

Manufacturer: Apogee Software Ltd.

Address PO Box 496389
City Garland
State TX
Zip 75049-6389
Business Phone (972) 278-5655
Customer Service (800) 276-4331
Web Site www.apogee1.com

* The commercially licensed version of the ESID includes additional detail including file signatures for each executable that is a part of the application.

Other Applications from Apogee Software Ltd.

Arctic Adventure
Balls of Steel
Commander Keen
Commander Keen 3.5: Keen Dreams
Commander Keen IV: Secret of the Oracle
Commander Keen: Aliens Ate My Babysitter
Commander Keen: Invasion of the Vorticons
Cosmos Cosmic Adventure
Crystal Caves
Dark Ages
Duke Nukem
Hocus Pocus
Major Stryker
Math Rescue
Pharaoh's Tomb
Rise of the Triad - The Hunt Begins